April 21, 2009

I.O.U.S.A. documentary

Are you aware that the current Federal debit is more than 8.7 trillion dollars in the States?

And the number is increasing rapidly day after day!

Are you aware that we are borrowing money and passing the bills on to our grandchildren?

It’s not a fiction story. It’s a shocking inconvenient truth!!!

I watched this documentary called “ I.O.U.S.A” last weekend.

I knew the growing national debt, but I certainly didn’t understand fully about its consequences.

In this documentary, it addresses the four serious deficits (budget, savings, balance of payment and leadership) in this richest nation in the world.

The citizens and Federal government obviously do consume more than they produce.

It may look ok in short run.

But it would eventually result a major catastrophe in the long run, if the nation only depends on the foreign investors to finance our debt.

Let me put it in simple way,

You may able to keep buying things for having better life on credits, even that you are spending more than you are making.

You have no savings. And if one day the bank decides that you should pay all the money you owe them.

What will happen next?

You will lose everything you own and you are finished.

Therefore, my dear American friends please take time to watch this documentary as a wake-up call and share it with all your family and friends.

This nation can’t afford the fiscal meltdown. The actions have to be taken before it’s too late!!

April 20, 2009

Everybody loves 305

After a short trip to Las Vegas,

I just realized how much I missed Miami and Florida Sun....

March 26, 2009

Un sentimiento irresistible e inocente

My Spanish assignment - una carta de amor (a love letter).

It was way harder than I thought, especially I had no one to write a love letter to.

And I am not romantic.

It took me a whole week.

Well, I've tried my best.

Even that part of it felt like written by a medical student :)

Un sentimiento irresistible e inocente

En ocasiones cierro mis ojos de una manera suave y solo te veo.

No puedo negar que tu sonrisa es un veneno que envenea mi corazón.

No puedo negar que tus ojos son el imán de mi sentimiento.

No puedo negar que solo te has ganado un lugar en lo más profundo de mi pensamiento.

En ocasiones te imagino a mi lado cuando mi corazón está vacío.

Te extraño y te busco cuando no estás.

El mundo es una ilusion cuando me miras.

Estoy perdida cuando me sonríes.

En ocasiones me acuesto en la cama y solo tú me haces sentir viva.

Cuando me duele el corazón eres tú el calmante.

Cuando tengo insomnia eres tú el somnífero.

Cuando estoz triste eres tú el antidepresivo.

Un sentimiento inocente es el que tengo hacia ti, inocente pues no se si tú me aceptarás y si te gusto. Me gustas sin pensar que quizá tú amas a otra persona.

Esta noche te siento,

Estoy susurrando tu nombre...

Eres uno entre un millón.

Tienes encanto peligroso y eres irresistible......

February 16, 2009

My treasures

Those are my favorite accessories.

They are not branded or expensive.

But each of them represents a story or a journey.

They are my treasures!!!

February 10, 2009

Why you are not on my facebook!!??

There are people asking why they are not on my facebook!!??

I only add friends who live far away on my facebook as the best way to keep in contact with them.

It doesn't mean that you are not my friends!!!

If you live near by or I will able to see you everyday (or couple times a week), I would prefer to hear from you in person!!!!

That's the reason why you are not on my facebook!! We can contact and communicate in person!!

You can just come by knock on my door and we can have decent talk in person!!!

If you are far away from me, and you are not on my facebook, please add me!!!! :)

My weird orange samsonite

I love traveling with my 31" orange samsonite.

I bought it in Switzerland a few years ago.

It's quite light with huge capacity.

And it's impossible to miss it on the conveyor belt, although it's pretty easy to get dirty.

I never find anyone with same suitcase.

by far it's my favorite.


I think there must be something wrong with my orange samsonite!!

It got lost so often!!

How often??

At least 4 times out of 10 journeys!!

While I arrived in Tokyo Narita from London Heathrow , I was informed that my orange samsonite was found in Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta.

Once when I landed in Milan Malpensa, I was told that my orange samsonite was still in Singapore Changi .

The other time when I finally got to Madrid Bajaras from Miami International , my orange samsonite showed up after 2 days from Paris Charles de Gaulle.

You may say it might be the problem with the airlines.

It got lost with several airlines!!

Even the best Singapore Airlines lost it a few times!!!

How weird is that???!!!!